Postal Approvals

We provide exceptional execution and strict quality control procedures for the USPS so we can assist you in making the mailing procedure flawless.

Postal and Data Expertise: As a USPS Detached Mailing Unit (DMU) mailing millions of pieces a day, we are an extension of the USPS. Our mailing division is always ready to help you. We provide exceptional execution and strict quality control procedures for the USPS. SFG can consult on size, design and closures that can save money and make a mailing project more dynamic and effective.  

Optional Procedure with USPS ‘in-plant’ verification gets mail out of our facility fast. USPS trusts our stated weights because of our impeccable USPS audit history. 

DSMS allows large mailings to leave our facility while in production. Delivery begins before the job is complete and, upon completion, is stamped off. 

Co-Pal combines trays of smaller mailings for postal savings and quicker delivery.

Expedited Standard Mail delivers to homes within 5 days. We apply standard postage and dropship trays via Priority Mail to the destination SCF.

IMB Tracking Track your mail and Lower postage costs with IM Barcodes applied to tray labels and pallet flags and enable tracking through USPS.

Postal One allows you to view digital USPS forms 24/7.

There is no address in the United States that cannot receive mail from the USPS.